Nice movie for ClockDay 2005! The music is freakin' awesome!
Nice movie for ClockDay 2005! The music is freakin' awesome!
Its good to see the King showing those Anti-Clock n00bs whose boss. I <3 your movies Turd
LOL! That was a great parody!
This was one of the best Silent Hill parodies I've seen so far! And Silent Hill 4 was a fucking awesome game! But seriously, Henry could have taken his steel pipe from the beggining of the game and broken the window>...
Kind of short, but it proves a damn good point! FUCK YOU ANTI-CLOCKS! YOU ALL SUCK AT FLASH!
well said sir
Very clever!
This was a great flash! It was very well done and the characters were well made! I also liked the Mario/GTA Vice City refrences. Keep up the good work!
That was awesome! Well except,
Why did you kill StrawberryClock and make it so he isn't King of the Portal? StrawberryClock is the rightful King of the Portal and you cannot kill him. But besides that that this movie was great!
Little Foot is the New King of the Portal... I dont its possible to kill Strawberry clock, loads of people have tried but he always comes back
I <3 Kagura :)
Age 32, Male
Lazy bastard
Hard Knocks
Sin City
Joined on 8/14/06