Kind of short, but it proves a damn good point! FUCK YOU ANTI-CLOCKS! YOU ALL SUCK AT FLASH!
Kind of short, but it proves a damn good point! FUCK YOU ANTI-CLOCKS! YOU ALL SUCK AT FLASH!
well said sir
That was awesome! Well except,
Why did you kill StrawberryClock and make it so he isn't King of the Portal? StrawberryClock is the rightful King of the Portal and you cannot kill him. But besides that that this movie was great!
Little Foot is the New King of the Portal... I dont its possible to kill Strawberry clock, loads of people have tried but he always comes back
This was hilarious!!
But why do the people in your movies talk so fast?
because this was my FIRST EVER MOVIE.. so i didnt grasp, the whole TTS programs. and animation... So that is why.
thank you
That was very well done.
I the way this was done. The graphics were very good and so were the voices. I hope you make the next episode soon. Oh, I found the Easter Egg and I was going to e-mail you soon about that. Nice job.
Heheh thanks. I don't think anyone ever bothered to write me. It's weird, this episode was loads better than the last, and it's getting less fanmail, reviews, and score. It was probably the timing.
Hehe, I liked it
I liked when it kept showing StrongBad
Gotta love Strong Bad.
OMG! That was awesome!!
I mainly liked Neffy
I <3 Kagura :)
Age 32, Male
Lazy bastard
Hard Knocks
Sin City
Joined on 8/14/06